College Library


Library & Information center is a backbone of academic and research activities of the institute and has been catering to the information needs of the faculty members, students, and staff and research scholars. The library is well connected with internet to facilitate access to online national and international journals, magazines, reports and projects.

ACE has an air conditioned library centre with a large number of books along with a number of Indian, foreign journals and extensive collection of reports and projects. The library information system which operates through OPAC contains a record of all books and journals. It has online subscriptions to various journal resources. These resources are available to students and faculty for research and course work. The library also subscribes to compendiums, directories, Year Books and CD-ROMS. Digital resources on many subjects are made accessible through Libsys Software in the Library. The KRC provides the following services:

  • Membership & Registration
  • Reference Service & Assistance
  • Inter Library Loan
  • Photocopying Services
  • News-Clippings Services
  • Documentation Services
  • Organization of Technical Demonstration
  • Online Public Access Catalogue
  • CD-ROM Search Service
  • Database Searches
  • User Education
  • Current Awareness Services