Approval and Affilation
Degree and Diploma are the most important aspects of building your future, but merely aspiring Diploma or Degree programs in any college is not worthy. It does not guarantee any job to the aspirants. If you want a quality education and better career then search for a good AICTE approved colleges or universities. Getting a Degree from a good college matters a lot in the job hunt. Odisha has several AICTE approved engineering colleges, but only few of them managed to earn a reputation as the best AICTE approved college for technical education.
After a bouncy start, today Adarsha College of Engineering stands tall in the fields of Technical Education, with a high reputation for successfully fulfilling its commitments. Adarsha College of Engineering is one of the top and best engineering colleges for pursuing yours Degree, Diploma and post graduate programs like M. Tech. ACE, ranked top in the list of best engineering colleges in Odisha and India with a 100% result. It is located in a green lustrous valley, a perfect place for technical education. It is just 5 km away from the main city of Angul, Odisha. Since its inception Adarsha College of Engineering has given a complete focus on quality of education. Adarsha College of Engineering is an AICTE, New Delhi approved engineering college in Odisha that has the best infrastructure in Odisha. It is also affiliated to BPUT, Odisha. It is an ISO 9001-2008 certified Institution. It offers Diploma, Degree and Post Graduate program in various disciplines. The college has world-class facilities. The College has a huge collection of books and journals in the library. Here education is not only limited to the classrooms, they regularly get the various assignments, project work, lab sessions, industrial visits and other co-curricular activities.